Infinite Monkey

write to know.

Hers alone

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She writhes
a dance of tightened sinew,
wrapped in Achilles’ grip
arched and silent, eyes squeezed,
head turned— away,
jagged breath and running water
A naked moth,
velvet wings, worn bare,
with only this tether between
and sips
a fig leaf-littered brine
anise-scented liquor, earthy rich and treacly black
sucked deeply from the rind
through silly-straw proboscis
slick with sweat
and sickly sweet
so green, she tastes the lawn
a palate cleanse,
in faded button-fly denim,
the scent of pennies under tongue
acid bright
it flitters, a golden beak, throbbing
darting and dark, beating out
a hurricane, a world away
a white-hot glare
thickly dimpled alabaster
dusted purple-green,
rhythmic remnants left behind,
in labyrinthine whirls
(no two alike)
like aged, Tuscan-hued letters
lost in time,
aching and golden,
honeyed straw strata
breaking through
wild and wise, but fading with time
blinking (was it ever true?)
nails in palms, leave auburn crescents
imprinting her thighs,
clawing, pushing, dragging it all away
this Coriolis effect,
thrumming gut, a rushing train
buzzy and bright,
it flutters free,
from heavy strings,
pours down her legs,
plucking tones, from the pit beneath her ribs
spilling, its honesty deep
and bathing these walls,
all gilded throat and tapestries red,
buried alive in the warm,
liquid heartbeat,
in the gush and
cut of your tongue,
all sharpness and bile,
the bite of your cheek,
every silken swallow
and rocking stillness
soothed soft and tucked tight,
dozing, weighted with drowse
she is emptied,
of all but the slow and steady hum,
of a lullaby washed upon the banks,
of trembling lips
waxen warm,
and coating jangled nerves
she sleeps, wet and feverish
sticking to the empty tub
hair stuck to her face
She writhes

Vanessa Nix Anthony
July 5th, 2022

Written by NessNixTony

July 6, 2022 at 9:53 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

A World Colored

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Kohl smeared 

sedimentary strata 

A fading charcoaled lithograph

papered the rock-solid interior 

of my logical heart

til you shone 

Brightly wet

and water-white

through prisms 

I had never known


what I couldn’t guess

A world of color

Shades and light

Tones and depth

Enveloped me

filling the dark and barren places

ardent, vibrant light 

dancing into corners 

breathing open cracks and crevices


bursting forth

melting stone

making soft center 

those rigid, constricting


suddenly malleable 

stretching flesh and bone and blood

beyond its shape

beyond all reason

beyond the plan

painting fresh

a perspective

a possibility

a life

slick, eager—glowing

a warm, pulsating,

resonating, vivid

juicy pulp of desire




A heart restored

A soul refreshed

A love anew

A life reimagined

In your eyes 

Vanessa Nix Anthony

February 14, 2011

Written by NessNixTony

January 20, 2022 at 2:55 am

Posted in Uncategorized

A Handful of Fear

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Photo courtesy of @EllaJean on HitRecord

Sepia shadowed evil looms,

backlit and elongated,

like gnarled knobby fingers crawling towards you,

silhouetted in the moonlight,

dragging their nails from under your chin—ghost stories,

flash-lanterned distortions,

scratching your name in craggy echoes

across the floor of your childhood fears.

Written by NessNixTony

December 13, 2021 at 1:31 am

Posted in Uncategorized

Non Scents

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No one wants to talk about itNose cracked BW

the way we smell one another

—Not purposely 

but just the same

we smell each other

Our sex

Not the act (though that, too)

But the biology

And not just that


Our cells reconfiguring

Expelling and taking in

Disintegrating, marinating, 


and rebuilding


Kneeling too close


Standing too near 

You’ll know the things, 

you don’t want to know


the older gentleman in the produce aisle

choosing lettuce

Off-gases the embarrassment of controlled incontinence

The faintly cheesy waft that escapes

from the folds between grandma’s downy, thin skin

The telltale fragrance of those heavily-scented bargain pads

the Mexican girls used in junior high


lingers in bathrooms

whether shared or freshly vacated


It’s NOT

the scent of dumped waste 

But of flesh

In all its incarnations

Young, old




Doors opening 

And closing

Untouched or defiled

Entering or



It’s the sharp eye-stinging cling 

of sauteed onions 

tucked away 

in a headlock 

beneath an arm

A dragon’s fiery breath 

come to singe the brows of early morn

the stale familiarity

of a 4th grade boy’s fart

OR the wretched unpleasantness of a grown man’s

— particularly, if he can’t hold his dairy


How the sickly scent of garbage perfumes

the strep throat afflicted 

invading the air and space around them 

lying in wait 

for fever to infect 


a cousin to the slick bright red blotches, 

of the moist heat of skin fungus.

The removal of shoes

brings with it reminders 

of a newly opened bag of Fritos 

And the crevice, where thigh bone meets pelvis,


like yeasted dough 

set to rise in a warm room 




final labored bouquet 





the day before 





No one wants to hear about that.

It’s all non-scents.


Vanessa Nix Anthony

January 2019

Written by NessNixTony

June 18, 2020 at 8:03 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

No Tap Shoes

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tap shoesRough day,

thick-headed with the fog of grief

and weak bodied with the blood of life

all tough things at once,

a circle of loss,

this is how to choose your bites —

too large, and sticky-sharp

Overwhelmed with

your human condition


ALL seasons at once

teary, choking humidity,

hot salt and swirling bile

swallowed down

in rhythm

with a blister-busted heart

and sweat-aching bowel


(Just a small voice) muffled

beneath heavy pack,

buried in the avalanche

and heavy swelter of

water-drenched wool,

swaddling the (your) face,

seizing the (your) lungs,

weighing the (your) limbs

Peaceful they say,

(how would they know?)

dancing they say

(without your feet?)

reunited, at last

(but lost to us)


THIS uncharted land.


we’ve read a map,

roughly drawn,

(once or twice before)

to a similar place.

We’re offered directions,

(by every well-meaning passerby)


But NOT this one,


They don’t know it.

not this one,

not this place,

they can’t find this place

where we miss each other,

where you don’t know me,

locked away

in the distant abstraction

of reverie,


longing . . .




do not know . . . )


Until, even hunger is a stranger,

and sleep is your closest friend,

I feel your fingers slip from my grasp,

and with them goes my heart

Is this how it feels?

to lose your compass and canteen,

no shoes upon your feet?

no trail to guide you,


no shoes.

and still,


there are no footprints

(only bone chips) in this sand

(and no arms to carry us either),

no lapping waves at water’s edge,

no horizon to follow,

just the grit and gristle

of sand,

And I can’t even FEEL its heat,

only the thirst,

just THIS  thirst.


So I make water,

of my grief,

and touch the edges of your face in my mind,

and look for you in every corner of my being,

in every laugh and toe tap of this child,

in the newfound creases of my own skin,

in the mixed scent of soap and hairspray

and floral-covered cotton house dresses

and in the bitter sweetness of a peppered melon rind

at summer’s end . . .



(it has just barely begun)


And it’s briny,

but I drink deep,

(it knots my stomach),

but still,

I will drink,

(and yes, survive),

bathed in the hope,

of a freshwater savior,

(attempting my own osmosis


until the sand comes for me,

and with it, a time when,

those behind me,

will drink, too.


— Vanessa Nix Anthony

May 30, 2017



Written by NessNixTony

June 9, 2017 at 2:44 am

Posted in Uncategorized

Melting Pot

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hotpotpeople2So many peoples in
the land of the free,
blinded to the “dream,”
it’s been gouged from their skulls
by generations
of too soft, stubby-fingered hands,

“C’mon, it’s a revival!”

A legacy of othering,
shimmers on our slicked rivers,
hanging lifeless from the trees,
dusting lash and breath with ash,
smeared across cheeks,
and forced down throats.
this bitter lumped gumbo
no gag can expel

“Everybody out of the pot . . .”

and if you’re in,
“. . . as long as your under
these skies,
being stirred with THIS spoon . . .”

don’t bother
looking up.

you’ll do as (they) say,
for the warm-handed pat down,
or else . . .

have the breath crushed
from your moth-winged lungs
or a boot to your cloud-filled head,
hidden there in the closet
maybe something in a . . .
Bullet for your late night candy cravings,
your naked bones strung along a fence,
number on your wrist . . .
as you wait in a very long line
for the only bathroom for
YOUR kind

What’s that you smell, simmering on the stove?

(it’s mother’s last breath now,)
“Shh! She’s fine, just having a rest.”

“Don’t worry so much.
We’re safe here in the blankets they gave us.”

(So hot in Herr)
HOPE’s hydrocarbons
cracking with the blackened
crusted crude

“Taste this.”

“but we’re gonna be great again,
aren’t we?
Like it was . . .”


Vanessa Anthony
February 2, 2017

The Dalliance of Leaves

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the-dalliance-of-leavesA brilliant dalliance,
golden ochre, flittering,
paper Monarchs
taking off in flight,
twirling in the arms of the crisp Autumn air
outside my living room window
A break in the music,
(a welcome respite from their spirited waltz)
the dancers gather in groups, large and small,
on the emerald slabs of the ballroom floor,
catching their breath and
quenching thirsts,
sipping dew drops
from the blades
beneath their skirts

Vanessa Nix Anthony
November 7, 2016

Written by NessNixTony

November 7, 2016 at 12:02 pm

So . . .

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So weary of this war machine

where “They” and “Them



So easy

when it’s THEM




THAT and

THEY deserve it


Children, howling, slapping back

With all the rage and indignation of a God

(we bluster)

all the bite and brawl of a rabid Dog

(we attack)


Heeding the seasick call of

an infrasound fear,

beating just out of reach,

behind our eyes,


beneath our hearts

in the slick, oily underbelly



the syncopated rhythms

of our own internal compass

Jarring our needles from their

HOMEward pointing cradles

spinning them, careening

towards a magnetic pole

that leaves us all thin,

dizzy and amnesiac


All less than our whole


Stretched and translucent

Far from community

from tribal unity

from our humanity


And just as senseless,

just as petty,

just as bereft of higher vibration

or thought



of true meaning

of THE purpose

that IS




An action so small

Four tiny letters typed on a page

A line, a circle, an unfinished inverted triangle, an arm encircling in half-embrace

Four letters (4)

To bring us HOME




to join arm-and-arm with fellow humans

REAL humans

not automaton politicos

or Wall Street thieves

or the grift of man-made marketer dreams




to leave behind all the gaping, ooze of want

(disguised as NEED)

to abandon our Corporate Overlords

to their empty marbled fortunes

and gristle-strewn lies


(All of them, long ago parted

from the heft and whisper of their 10.5 ounce fisted muscle,

aortic valves parched, cracked and curling at their edges

their barren chests echoing with the hollow reverberations of a desolate chamber)


Peeling back these crusty, wilted layers,

the greed-covered rot, 

to find that better place

where those four tiny letters

and empathy,


and consideration,



To find us,

and them,

and they,


Are WE.


Reunited –

blooming in the Bedouin desert

hand-feeding one another,

feasting, on the honeyed milk-giggles

of OUR children



Vanessa Nix Anthony

June 14, 2016

Written by NessNixTony

June 14, 2016 at 4:18 pm

And Sometimes Late at Night

with 2 comments

she stomps late at nightShe clips

and she clops

she bangs

and she stomps

my neighbor, next door

But just in the morning . . .

and sometimes late at night

(when she’s most important)

or more importantly, when I’m adrift

wading through a dream or semi-wakeful state,

groggily numbed by the washed out sounds

of my white noise machine Read the rest of this entry »

Written by NessNixTony

September 28, 2015 at 1:39 pm

Whose shoes are you wearing?

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“Apex Predator Shoes” by Mariana Fantich & Dominic Young.

They say walk a mile . . .

To understand

And it’s true

To gain insight or empathy

That’s what you should do

But to get to your dreams

Read the rest of this entry »

Written by NessNixTony

September 6, 2014 at 5:39 pm

Posted in Poetry